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תמונות מספריית הקונגרס
כל הזכויות שמורות
Ashkenazim (German Jews).jpg
Chief Rabbis G_ Wolf Margolis & Abraham A_ Yudelovitch, 11-10-25.jpg
Costumes and characters, etc_ Jews of Jerusalem.jpg
Crowds on Atonement Day at western Temple wall_ Jew`s wailing place-3.jpg
Crowds on Atonement Day at western Temple wall_ Jew`s wailing place-4.jpg
Funeral services for a Jewish Rabbi, Jerusalem.jpg
Jerusalem (El-Kouds)_ Jews` wailing place.jpg
Jerusalem_ Jews` Wailing Wall (Western Wall)-4.jpg
Jew of Jerusalem; Jude von Jeusalem; Juif de Jérusalem.jpg
Jews at Wailing Wall.jpg
Jews` wailing place-a.jpg
Juif á Jerusalem.jpg
Nebi Musa festival (in Jerusalem.jpg
Rabbi Dr_ Abraham I_ Kook, 4-15-24.jpg
Rabbi M_M_ Epstein-1927.jpg
Ramleh, Tel-Aviv_ Tel-Aviv, the Colony Square_ The Ki Kar Hamo Shavot Circle at crossing of main streets, Jaffa Street, Allenby Street, etc.jpg
State visit to Jerusalem of Wilhelm II of Germany in 1898_ Crowd at Jerusalem railroad station; [Another view of crowd at Jerusalem railroad station.jpg
Tel Aviv. Barclay Bank (D.C. & O.).jpg
Tel Aviv_ Barclay Bank (D_C_ & O_).jpg
The Gates_ Jerusalem_ The Jaffa Gate_ (Western wall).jpg
The Temple area_ Jerusalem_ The Dome of the Rock and the western Temple wall.jpg
The Temple area_ Jerusalem_ The western wall of the Temple area_ (The Jews Wailing Wall)-5.jpg
The Temple area_ Jerusalem_ The western wall of the Temple area_ (The Jews` Wailing Wall).jpg
The surrender of Jerusalem to the British December 9th, 1917_ Hussein Selim el-Husseini who surrendered Jerusalem.jpg
U_S_ Senators and their wives, Jerusalem, Aug_ 1936, R_ Copeland, W_ Austin, D_ Hastings [at the Western Wall].jpg
Various types, etc_ Bokhara [i_e_, Bukharan] Jews on Feast of Tabernacles [Sukkot]..jpg
Various types, etc_ Feast of Tabernacles [Bukharan Jews during Sukkot]-2u.jpg
Various types, etc_ Jewish types at the wailing place.jpg
Zionist colonies on Sharon_ Bnai Brak_ The bank.jpg
[Crowds on Atonement Day at Western Temple Wall_ Jew`s wailing place]-2.jpg
[Crowds on Atonement Day at Western Temple wall_ Jew`s wailing place].jpg
[Jews in front of Western Wall (Wailing Wall), Jerusalem].jpg
[Jews` wailing place]-2.jpg
[Jews` wailing place].jpg
[Map of towns in Palestine (Israel, West Bank, and Jordan)].jpg
[Searching Jewish rabbi for hidden arms, Jerusalem].jpg
[Two Jewish men and two women standing in front of the Wailing Wall, Jerusalem].jpg
[View of Jerusalem from southeast, showing city walls, the Dome of the Rock, and al-Aqsa mosque].jpg
bnai brak.jpg
מבט פנורמי מהר הצופים בשעת שקיעה.jpg